Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I went to see an anthroposophical doctor yesterday. Yeah, I think that's all the letters... Kind of like a naturopath, homeopathic doctor. I was curious to see what ideas she would have about diet or supplements that would help me stay healthy. We talked for about an hour and a half, and everything she said made a lot of sense. I don't know why, but I left feeling overwhelmed. Maybe it's just hormones, but it was frustrating. I should have been excited there were that many options I guess. There was so much that she suggested that I think it just seemed like a lot all at once. There are supplements she suggested, mistletoe injections even, foods to avoid (alcohol, dang it!), and she suggested I look at a gluten free diet. Gluten basically causes inflammation and cancer cells love inflammation, so minimizing that makes sense, but ugh.

There is so much information to wade through, and everybody thinks they have the right answer, so how do you know which answer is the right one for you? Everybody is different, and everyone handles things differently... just ugh. On one hand I obviously want to try anything that will help me, but how do I know it will really help?

I head to my oncologist today. I am looking forward to seeing her. I feel like she takes good care of me, but we will see what she has to say. All appointments lately have shown high blood pressure which is rare for me, so apparently there are some nerves at play. I am hoping that we will get the oophorectomy scheduled (ovary sucking), and get that part of things going, but who knows. I'll talk to my doctor about the anthro lady and see what she thinks. I'm guessing she won't be into it, but who knows. I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

Bob said...

A combination of both is or would be a good idea! Rick Herrick our good friend did that and had great success!