Dr. Faddis is the general surgeon who we went to see yesterday. He said it was a far more aggressive tumor than we originally thought, "nasty" were his words. Parts of it were high grade, meaning it was growing faster, I already told you it was bigger, and the node thing. Apparently its still up in the air as to whether or not I'll need radiation in addition to chemo. He said he's not totally convinced I need to, and if I do then there's a 25% chance that the implant on that side won't work. I don't really care about being a uniboob, so whatever. He has organized a panel of people (about 20)to talk about whether or not it needs to happen. He's taking good care of me. MARGINS WERE CLEAR around it, it had also spread to the nipple (sorry if you didn't want to know that). So basically he said it was all information that meant I was in good shape, I made the right decision with the mastectomy, lumpectomy wouldn't have been an option, and the only thing that really changes is the possible radiation. Totally do-able, not painful.
When I saw the doctor yesterday, he was really surprised at how well I'm healing and the most exciting part of all is THE DRAINS ARE GONE. I had these sweet plastic grenade shaped bottles hanging off of me that come along with long drain tubes. Very flattering. Brent wasn't impressed with the dance I invented to go along with it, but whatever. I was on an adrenaline rush yesterday. I saw the incisions, and the skin, etc, and it was TONS better than I thought it was going to be. It wasn't exactly pretty, but way better. When I asked the doctor if it would hurt when the drain came out his reply was "doesn't hurt me." Funny doctor man. So anyway, he also told me I could pick up my kids if it wasn't painful (Max still is), and start doing some stretches and things. I went a little crazy last night as far as moving my arms and such, expecting to be sore today. I'm not sore! I picked up Cannon yesterday and it felt soooo good to be able to pick up the little(?) guy. Good for my heart.
So basically, I'm going to work Monday, and very excited to be able to. One of the hardest parts is behind me. There's still some soreness, stretches to do, mobility and healing, but the big pain and operation is done! Yippee!! Chemo will be the next huge one, obviously. I'm still terrified of that, but the only reason we do that is in case there is some "microscopic cancer cell that is floating around somewhere." Big scary nasty tumor is gone! I can take showers, I have a few wraps now so the stinky one can be washed, I have been able to actually scratch some of the itches, I may even attempt to shave my legs today. Don't worry I won't get cocky.
Great Mo and Brent! Gradually this will be put behind you and you will realize( already do) how many people rallied to your side and supported and loved you! Nasty stuff to go through but the "rest of the story" >>next year it will be a memory not an experience!
We love the updates and again your writing style!
Bob and Donna
You're working Monday?! I am so freaking amazed at you, I cannot even tell you.
Mo ~ Remember when we talked about you playing the "cancer card". . . well sweetie, this is a good time to use it. OK - go ahead and be a work warrior on Monday, but be a "just had surgery, tired, and need to stay home" cancer girl the rest of the week. We all KNOW how those preparation days before school can go . . . meetings, meetings, blood-born pathogens, first aid training, CPR, bussette training, etc. etc. Skip all of that and enjoy the sun or play with Max & Cannon or go shopping (must be out of town) or have a massage and pedicure! See you (and your people) next weekend to make some sassy salsa!
It was great seeing you and everyone yesterday and so good to see how well you're doing! And you can post any picture of me you want as long as you explain that it was over 100 degrees that day and I had no makeup on. The shirt was great, I was just sweaty and gross. :) I'm with Debbie, you have the perfect excuse to not have to sit through boring meetings so why not have one more week of vacation? Tell everyone hi for me. Especially Cannon. Haha.
Thanks for keeping this blog going. It makes me laugh, makes me feel close to what's going on, and inspires me.
The shirts have arrived in Seattle!
I'm so glad you are healing so well. I am jealous Lisa got to hang out with you and the boys this weekend! I did get my shirt in the mail though - thank you Aunt Linda! I'll send you a pic when I get a chance. I can't believe you're going back to work so soon - you're my hero! Wish I had you with me in my car this morning when I thought I was going to get eaten up by a tornado. Hurrican Fay is kicking our butt right now!
I miss you guys! Give the boys a big hug for me!
Love ya,
Hey Mo! It was so good to hear your voice the other day! Thank you Aunt Linda for the awesome shirt, I was so excited to get mine! My kids and I plan on taking a picture for you soon! Take it easy for awhile...this is the hardest part-you feel good and do too much, then you go backwards in the healing process. Remind yourself you have to take naps with Max and Cannon:) Good luck! I am so glad you had surgery when you did and followed your gut instinct!!! You are doing great and it is due to your great, positive attitude! You are the best!
How did Monday go at school?
Mo,I can't believe you are going back to work so soon--truly amazing. I hope the "care package" wasn't too much. We just thought it would be a few less meals to cook and threw in some things to help distract the boys while you are recovering. Oh yeah, where should I send the pink shirt picture?Pate
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