Ok, so I have a blog. I've thought about this, but there is some part of me that feels like this is very egotistical to think that other people would want to read about my thoughts, but at the same time, this seems like it would be an easy way to keep everyone updated, filled in, etc. I have been emailing some friends regularly just to vent, I felt comfortable forcing them to listen to my every thought, and I notice I have a tendency to ramble. I don't think I'm capable of Gary Thomas rambling (I read the entire email that he sends, and I like it!), but I do go on and on, so if you're not interested in reading, I promise I'm not offended, I totally understand. I also tend to offer more information than you want to know. I'll try not to do this on the internet, but consider yourself warned.
Ok, I have bilateral mastectomy surgery with reconstruction this Friday. I check in at 7:30, and they I think start operating about 11:30. Its supposed to take about 4 hours I think from the time they knock me out to the time I wake up. Brent, my parents, and I think Aunt Linda and Debbie are going to be at the hospital. I have a feeling I'll have no idea they're there, but Brent will have people to talk to, and keep him from watching the clock. The reconstruction consists of lifting my muscle, and placing a flat expander bag underneath. They pump it up a little and apparently when I wake up I'll feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest. Cool. I've seen a Utube video of some guy that gets his head stuck in an elephant's butt, so I guess I'll be doing better than that guy.
Anyway, earliest I'll go home is Sunday. Max and Cannon are staying with Rick & Debbie which will be great as far as physical recovery, but will be hard when they're usually the ones to make me smile. Rick & Debbie set up a web cam on our home computer as well as theirs, so I'll be able to talk to them through that. We're kind of excited to test that out. The doctor says I won't be able to pick them up for quite a while. He says 3-4 weeks, other people have told me longer. Some doctors say I can go back to work, others tell me to take at least a month off. I'm hoping to go back to school when kids are there. I can't move my arms much, but I can talk just fine. I have no idea how severe the pain will be, everyone handles it differently, so its all just a wait and see what happens kind of deal.
I go back to plastic surgeon (never thought I would be the family member visiting a plastic surgeon) three weeks after surgery and we start pumping the expander bags up. Again, some people say its no big deal, others say it hurts like hell. Then chemo starts about four weeks after surgery, the "cocktail" that I get to have depends on whether or not its in the lymph nodes. We find this out during surgery. And, again, everyone handles it differently. Some are out for weeks, some are back to work Monday. All we really know right now is dates of doctor appointments.
Hi Mo and Brent! Bob and Donna here! You know we love and are praying for you! Your blog said! Friday you will be cancer free! Yes!!!
Well said, I'm happy that on Friday you'll be cancer free! You'll be in my thoughts all day. Love you!
Hola Klumphs! We'll see you at the river soon...no excuses like "treatment" or "recovery"... :) lots of love from Ryan, Amy & Ava
p.s. Ava is wondering where Max is...she needs her buddy to venture out.
thank you so much for setting this up. We have wanted to call so many times but never wanting to overwhelm you. You are in our every day thoughts and prayers. Four days til' you are cancer free!!! We love you!!! Clinton, Lyndsay, and Dylan
Hi Guys,
Om on the Range will be wearing pink on Thursday and Friday for you. We're holding you all in golden light. Love, Kim
I wish i was as tough as you!!!!!
Love for you from John Day,
Well, this is my first blog ever! Since you're away from home this week,consider this your first "hang in there" card from us! Just picture it Mo.....an army of friends/family/doctors/nurses all marching along with you and Brent on this journey, ready to "do battle" in whatever way we need to.You have been constantly on my heart since we found out about the cancer,and we will be waiting to hear good results from the surgery. Your strength and determination shine through already in your comments, and when you need extra, I have no doubt someone will be right there to step in and provide what you need in just that moment. Those beautiful boys of yours are soooooo darling, and they will surely help so much in your recovery. Remember, we are all with you, ready to share each step (on the good days, and the tough ones) with you through this. I'm sending you a big hug and all my love.........stay strong and think about all the people in your cheering section!!! Judy
Hi guys,
So cool that you have a blog now too! We are thinking about you a lot! You are a great writer Mo and have a great perspective on all of what you are going through. You are an inspiration. We are sending lots of prayers your way!
We love you Mo
Aunt Linda
I am sending for Grandma and Grandpa who would never understand a Blog -
So many thoughts, so many emotions. But I want to attempt to put into words a thought or two about how much you mean to so many people. Who you are should be bottled and sold. You would be as rich in dollars as you are in friends. You listen, inspire, calm, motivate, and strengthen those around you so naturally that each of us feels more special than the next. Your caring for others has come back to you in triplicate because of Who you have been to others. The whole west coast is lit because of the spiritual blessings you are receiving from so many. What a woman! I love you, and so does everyone else.
This past couple of months have been quite a roller coaster with numerous ups and downs and more tears then people should have to deal with. You are an amazing woman, a loving mother, and and an inspiring wife. Over our past eight years we have had our share of joys and our share of letdowns. These are all things that have helped strengthen our relationship into what we have today. I am more excited today about what our future will hold. I know that we will have many more decades ahead of us with many more ups and downs. Know that I love you with all my heart. You are my rock that keeps me going through my rough times. Stay positive and always remember that there are three smiling boys back home waiting for you.
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