Ha ha! Lauren mentioned that the title here immediately made her think prostitute, which cracks me up, so I'm leaving it. I'm still teaching, I haven't turned to a life of selling myself. :)
I've made it through three days of work. I feel really good today. I went home at three yesterday just exhausted, so I probably should have gone home a little earlier, but I took a nap and slept well last night, so I feel better. This whole day has been in my classroom, and I brought Max with me for a while, so its been good. I love my coworkers, so being around them makes me feel like I have a normal life and makes me feel better. Every time I moved in a meeting, they were making sure I was ok, and offering to get me water, etc. They take good care of me here. Plus, I can ask for anything I want around here, and nobody's going to say no to me!! I have a better spot to sit in assemblies, I have the classroom assistants I want, I might have to play this cancer card a couple more times... ha ha I've also seen some students and been reminded why I love my job. I had a whole softball team who over the last month has brought me cards and gifts and made things easier. They're good kids, and I'm excited to see them. I know some of you think its ridiculous that I'm going to work, but I'm excited to be able to do it, I definitely have a new perspective on things.
I will try to put a picture of myself on here just so you know that I'm not like sickly looking, and walking around all pale and achy. :) I've had some requests for pictures for some reason. Don't worry I'll keep my shirt on! I look normal, I just have a very square chest area from the ace bandage wrapped around me. I believe its for swelling? I should know, but I tend to forget to ask important questions. I've been able to shower on my own which has been a wonderful thing for everyone, and I put my hair in a ponytail all by myself today. I feel like a little kid who's proud of tying his shoes.
I will probably have to do chemo through a port in my chest, so that sucks, but apparently a port in my chest is the better way to go. Whatever, more surgery sucks, but I don't seem to have much of a choice in this stuff. Its an in and out surgery, its less anesthetic, and hopefully much less or no puking. I don't know when we do that one, but I think we'll schedule it this Friday when I meet with the oncologist. I'm guessing. I always think I know what's going to happen, and very rarely have I been right. I also meet with the surgeon this Friday to check on healing I guess. I would like to not have to wear an ace bandage anymore, but again, I have no idea.
I talked to the acupuncture lady yesterday. It sounds like its to help relieve some of the anxiety of the whole thing, help the liver, heart, kidneys, and to help with the nausea from chemo. I go before and after chemo treatments. I'm not stoked about puking my guts again, so I'm hoping it helps. I've heard good things, but "everyone's different."
For my wonderful Gonzalez cousins. You're awesome. I ate some amazing home made tortillas last night, the enchiladas are thawing for tonight, (my dad's upset he won't be there for them), and the rest of the food we're saving until we start chemo and things get more hectic. Pate the hippie pants for Max & Cannon are the coolest things ever, and the gifts for the little guys is a great idea. When I have no energy, and no way to entertain, those will be perfect. And you can email me the pic of the shirts, or send it to me in the mail. Randy & Nell, the food you guys brought is so stinking good, I'm waiting for a special occasion because I don't want to have to share it with anyone.
My parents are leaving Thursday or Friday, and will be back when chemo starts. Dad's nervous about teaching again, my students will love him. My mom has been cleaning the house, taking care of most meals, and of course Max, Cannon, and me. If I show the smallest sign of being tired, I'm sent to the couch. Max understands that I can't pick him up because of the "big big band-aid" on my chest and seems to be ok with it. Cannon's the happy kid who wants to roll all over the floor to wherever Max is. Its soooo much better having them home. Brent's handling it all. The in laws living here, the wife with the emotions, the kids with the occasional screaming, and the job. I HAVE THE GREATEST FAMILY EVER!!!!
You're awesome, Mo. How cool that you have such an amazing support group at work! I'm glad that you're feeling up to working, but yes, definitely play that cancer card every one in awhile. :)
Much love!!
Go Get 'em! Mo! Great family and you are great people! I always say 'water seeks its own level"!
You look so good! I am so proud of you. And I'm so glad you blogged again. No pressure or anything, but I totally rely on you to keep me entertained with your writing now, don't you know?
Mo ~ I'm kinda hungry right now (you know how our family is all about food!) and was wondering if it would qualify as a 'special occasion' when we come this weekend to messy up your house with salsa making? If so, could we just go out to your freezer and place an order for some of the yummy stuff that is in there - your cousin's food or Randy and Nells' food or any of your cool friends' stuff they have made would be awesome! Just kidding you funny girl! Can't wait to see you (and your people) this weekend. I think Rick might even bust out the pink shirt for the occasion. See you and your spunky ponytail soon. Debbie
You look so great! I'm tired everyday by three even when I haven't just had a major surgery. You're amazing!!
I know this totally isn't the main point of all you just shared, but I can't wait to hear how your students react to your dad! Ha! They are going to get such a kick out of him! You are my hero. I'm singing Bette Midler songs in my head right now. Seriously.
Mo thanks for keeping us all informed.As a parent thats been through this I know how hard it is on Mom & Dad so for us give them an extra HUG. Parents are not as tough as we would like people to think. Your out look on life is refreshing to all of us.Thoughts and prayers are with you
Love your picture Mo! You look great! I am thinking you should spike your hair--what the hell??? Maybe different colors? Just kidding! It is awesome to have such an amazing support system! Nothing can cheer you up faster (except your family)! Your Dad is going to be so much fun. What a great teacher he is and we all used to love his class!! Give your Mom a hug!
Hey mo, it's been a long time! I just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts every day. I think you are an amazing person. I can't believe what a positive attitude you have. You crack me up. I love to read your blog. I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you!
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